exciting comexciting com

. When encountering untransformed Vessels, it’s in your best interest to kill them as fast as possible — but trying to accomplish this can put you in the center of a melee, or take your focus off of other targets who’ll savage you in the meantime. It may not seem very heroic to kill first and ask questions later, but the fate of Sanctuary is at stake – and demon-slaying is not for the faint of heart

Second, we’ve categorized every monster in Diablo III, regardless of type, by its behaviors. By behaviors, we mean how it emerges onto the battlefield and how it engages you in the moments before you send it to a bloody grave. For example, “big hit” is the internal name for an interesting, classic monster behavior that you’ll encounter in various forms. “Big hit” monsters make very telegraphed, obvious, and often slow attacks that do a great deal of damage if they hit you. These attacks can be simple to avoid, but when dealing with tight quarters or other mobility-affecting variables, avoidance isn’t always easy.

“Frenzied” monsters enter a temporary state where their damage, hit points, defense, or other attributes are increased. It’s in your best interest to avoid engaging them while they’re frenzied — but they also pose a greater threat in this state, meaning that if they’re left unchecked, they can dish out swift, fatal blows. 

runestones allow you to customize skills runestones allow you to customize skills


extensive character customization is one of the primary design goals for Diablo III. Players will have many ways to customize and build each of the five character classes, including charms, traits, enhancements, gems, armor, weapons, dyes, skills, and the feature we’re highlighting in this article: runestones.
There are more than twenty skills per class, and a player can choose to access up to seven of those skills at any one time. Skills primarily allow characters to perform special attacks and cast spells, but they can also activate defensive abilities, summon minions, set traps, or allow the player to navigate the battlefield through quick travel and escape mechanics. While these skills always present players with plenty of tactical options for defending Sanctuary against the coming demonic invasion, runestones allow you to customize skills by changing the way they look and how they function.

There are five runestone types: Crimson, Indigo, Obsidian, Golden, and Alabaster. Each runestone affects skills differently. For example, adding a Crimson Runestone to a skill may enhance its damage, while adding an Alabaster Runestone might add a stun effect. 

the follower’s characteristicthe follower’s characteristic


You will encounter three followers on your journey in Sanctuary; the Templar, the Enchantress, and the Scoundrel. The Templar is a heavily armored, tough character that can be specced into a very aggressive damage absorption role or into a supportive healing role. The Enchantress tends to be focused on ranged DPS but can also be specced into a player enhancement role. The Scoundrel is a throwback to the rogue of the original Diablo — a conventional ranged character who uses crossbows but also has more damage options and some light crowd control.

In Diablo II, the hirelings were fairly generic, but the followers are specific characters with their own storylines, their own personalities, and their own place within the world. Overall, the followers are also more customizable; you can itemize them and choose from a variety of skills to augment your playstyle.

 In Diablo II, the hirelings were fairly generic, but the followers are specific characters with their own storylines, their own personalities, and their own place within the world. Overall, the followers are also more customizable; you can itemize them and choose from a variety of skills to augment your playstyle.


accompany with you at anytimeaccompany with you at anytime


These heroes aren’t hidden off the beaten path; their stories entwine with yours, and you’ll encounter them all as you traverse the lands of Sanctuary.

Each follower has his or her own agenda and reasons for fighting against the darkness, and you’ll learn more about their histories and motives as you battle alongside them..

Your followers are skilled warriors in their own right, so it’s only proper that they grow in power as they’re pitted against increasingly deadly foes. They’ll gain experience as you fight together, change visually as you provide them with new equipment, and you’ll be able to choose new skills for them as they level up.

Although clinical psychology is clearly related to medicine, it is quite as closely related to sociology and to pedagogy. . . . An abundance of material for scientific study fails to be utilized 

split into action, Sabotage and Investigative split into action, Sabotage and Investigative


Funcom has always stressed the importance of horizontal progression being much more important than the vertical in The Secret World. Players might begin with a certain build, or a role they enjoy in the game, but might encounter a solo dungeon where they will have to think about the build that would beat it. It never hurts to have a healing ability in your back pocket you can pull out when you need it.

Crystal Saga is a refined free-to-play 2.5D browser MMORPG. Not only does it offer a vast virtual world, but also features a captivating and detailed storyline. Players may participate in one of the many daily contests, events and dungeons that Crystal Saga has to offer. Choose one of five classes, battle monsters, go on quests, capture and train pets, transform your mounts, and more.

How you “level” your stats is through equipment and Chakras.  Chakras are basically centers of energy in your body; these are dropped by mobs and can be traded and sold. They also can be swopped out at any time, and some may fit into more than one of the Chakra slots. Playing a healer tonight? Swap in all your healing Chakras.

Quests are divided into three main types and only one of each type can be active at any time. They are: Story, Main which itself is split into action, Sabotage and Investigative, and Item missions which are picked up when you interact with items, such as a crumpled note you find on a street or a laptop left in an office. 

the introduction of executive producerthe introduction of executive producer


In regards to Diablo III—- all I can say is “you ain’t heard nothing yet!” The overture was conceived of as a way of making a big impression on both new and existing audiences—saying that this really is the next chapter. What’s not apparent in the overture, though, is that the first indication the world had of what the new game was at our Paris announcement last Summer was a single guitarist on a 12-string, rolling those classic opening chords—not a speech, not a video, not a press release—but the MUSIC. That iconic music! I’m very proud of this moment, as it not only says a lot about how great the D1, D2 & D2X music is, but how important and recognizable game music in general has become.
after the  religious interrogation   under pope’s authoritive and absolutely discretion,the  zeitgeist  of   exert presecution to the witch who suspeted responsible for the people with disturbed illness  become pupularizr and show it in public occasion  for purpose of force them confession,and forced to abide by the undisputable authorize of catholic,christian,protestant  church
by what little heard heard so far, forum member FlamangoHellfire sent Russell an email at Blizzard. And got a reply! Which he posted in a forum thread that was discussing the music of D3 and Blizzard games in general. Here’s an excerpt: click through to read Russell’s full email.


New Interview Details Game Play & MoreNew Interview Details Game Play & More


Folks interested in learning more about Spirit Tales will want to head over to the official forums to check out a user interview with an “as yet unnamed Spirit Tales developer”. The interview wanders all over the game and details some of its interesting aspects including pet morphing and boss battles.

What can the players expect in the Closed Beta?

In Closed Beta, we’ll be opening all content up to level 40 to our users, absolutely free! This includes 5 instances, hundreds of quests, a bazillion pets, PvP Battle Zones, and more! Not to mention special closed beta rewards, custom titles, and achievements only available to testers during Closed Beta! Oh and of course events! We’ve got events that range from holiday celebrations, GM beat-downs, hide- and-go-seek, screenshot and video contests, and everything in between. It’s your chance to win awesome prizes that carry over to Open Beta.


the inquisition of authoritiesthe inquisition of authorities

the updated skills we’ve seen make the Barbarian much more dynamic – not merely a piece of meat, but a piece of finely trained, combat-honed meat – the filet mignon of fighting. The new Leap conveys impact and damage in a way the old attack utterly failed to do, and the updated, gory Whirlwind makes the Tasmanian Devil look like, well, a cartoon character.

What we know: The only other playable class shown so far is the Witch Doctor, new for Diablo III. Hailing from the Tribe of the Five Hills in the Tegonze jungles, his specialties are disease attacks, mind control, and commanding other creatures to do his bidding. The voracious Locust Swarm not only skins enemy monsters down to the bone, but once the bugs have made their first kill, they seek out new targets automatically. Those swarms can ride shotgun with summoned Mongrels, giving the dog-like creatures an extra kick of disease damage when they strike

When it’s time for defense, the Witch Doctor can summon a Wall of Zombies, effectively sealing off a pathway and letting the undead tear any approaching enemies to shreds. Soul Harvest does what it says, sucking the life essence out of enemies within range and transferring it to you. And when it comes to messing with people’s minds, Horrify and Mass Confusion offer mental anguish in two flavors: the former disperses packs of enemies in fear, giving you time to summon pets and pick off a few stragglers, while the latter turns the mob members against each other. Despite a penchant for violence by proxy 

philosopher’s stonephilosopher’s stone

The Barbarian was Diablo II’s ultimate melee badass, and the only class that could dual-wield. He’s back with a beefy update, but many of his old attacks have been seriously enhanced. The Leap was more like a hop in Diablo II; now, it’s truly a vault, as the Barbarian bounds about six feet into the air, both arms cocked behind his head, then lands with a thunderous shockwave and the crimson explosion of any nearby monsters.

 The Ground Stomp stuns enemies in the immediate vicinity, leaving them open to Cleave attacks that send corpses and body parts flying for several dozen feet. The Seismic Slam combines both those skills into a directional attack; smack the ground and a shockwave ripples the earth, liquefying anything in its path. And the fan-favorite Whirlwind – the best way to plow through hordes of encroaching monsters – is gorier than ever: the Barbarian spins as he moves, slicing enemies into bloody chunks.


 There was no better class for tanking in Diablo II, so the Barbarian’s inclusion in Diablo III is really no surprise – what would a dungeon crawler be without a bruiser bashing open the doors? 

Malleus MaleficarumMalleus Maleficarum

for instance, can slam a wall in the Forgotten Tombs to make it collapse on and eliminate a crowd of walking dead. When he lunges into a wall, rubble falls away from the edges. Bits of concept art suggests a city desert environment with cave-like apartments, an Arabian palace dungeon reminiscent of Diablo II’s Lut Gholein, and the dilapidated town of New Tristram, which isn’t nearly as shiny as its name suggests.

What we think: We like wrecking stuff, so here’s hoping that the environmental destruction won’t be too cookie-cutter. It’s fun to see worlds collapse, but it becomes invisible if it always collapses the same way. We’re also curious to see how this feature plays out in outdoor environments – we’ve seen man-made structures fall apart in the early footage of the game, but no trees were toppled and grass remained curiously flameproof in fiery battles.

just last summarization:the possession of man-made  architecture make the enviroment more brilliant,spectaculr,magnificent,and more significantly ,they are preoccupation with  the exirpation of supreme monster